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  66% of Australians report  
  feeling 'slightly or not at all  
  prepared' for retirement.  

Advancements in science and medicine mean that we are now living longer than ever before. Today, men can expect to live to age 85 and women to age 88. Because we are living longer, recent research by the Association of Super Funds now shows that a comfortable retirement requires a lump sum of at least $744,000. How are you tracking against this?


In 2012, the Retirement Income Report revealed that half of us will outlive our retirement savings by 13 years. It is therefore no surprise that MLC's 2016 Australia Today report found that 2 out of 3 people who are not currently retired feel slightly or not at all prepared for retirement.

Nobody wants to see their retirement fund run out. Throw in another Global Financial Crisis and the situation could be even worse. That was one of the biggest concerns for our clients, Jane and Mark,* who started their retirement just before the GFC. Although their investment portfolio has recovered, they still feel nervous about the prospect of another GFC and how that may impact upon their ability to fund the same quality of lifestyle for the rest of their lives. Mark's mother is in her late 80s and longevity runs in his family. So, we designed an investment portfolio* to provide them a consistent and guaranteed income stream that will continue to meet their income needs for the balance of their lives, regardless of market volatility.


We take the worry away by crunching the numbers so you won’t run out of money during retirement and by coaching you on how to maximise your superannuation benefits.


It's never too early to start planning for retirement. The first step is to clarify what you want from life during your retirement. Then, let us help you formulate a plan which will allow you to achieve those retirement goals while ensuring your savings and benefits last the distance.

  We take the worry away by  
  crunching the numbers so  
  you won't run out of money.  

Retirement Planning


  1. Names and identifying details have been changed to protect the identity of individuals.

  2. Any advice in this site is of a general nature only and has not been tailored to your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Please seek personal advice prior to acting on this information.  

  3. References to past performance are not an indication of future performance. Past performance is not a reliable guide to future returns.


Head Office: 

T 111

793 Burke Road

Camberwell  VIC  3124


By appointment, we can also meet with you via virtual options like Zoom, Microsoft Teams or GoToMeeting, or in person at locations in the Melbourne CBD, Mount Waverley and Southbank. 


(03) 9882 8288 |


OakWealth is an FPA Professional Practice. Oak Wealth Solutions Pty Ltd is an Authorised Representative of Consultum Financial Advisers Pty Ltd (AFSL 230323)


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wealth and abundance? 


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Copyright © 2021 Oak Wealth Solutions Pty Ltd.  All rights reserved.  Yihsing Koo, Oak Wealth Solutions Pty Ltd (ACN: 143 070 946) ATF Oak Wealth Solutions Unit Trust (ABN: 657 966 722 37) are Authorised Representatives of Consultum Financial Advisers Pty Ltd (ABN: 65 006 373 995), AFSL number 230323, an Australian Financial Services Licensee, with offices at Level 6, 161 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000. 


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