A common misconception is
that estate planning is
only for the elderly and rich.
Estate planning is one of those taboo subjects that few people enjoy discussing. A common misconception is that it is only for the elderly and rich. When we ask new clients whether they have a will or Power of Attorney, the most common answers are “we don’t need one as our affairs are very straightforward” or “we already have one in place”. Unfortunately, more often than not, we discover that their affairs or family situation is not as straightforward as it seems, and those who think that they already have one in place, usually only have a very simple will which doesn't cover their specific needs.
Bill and Mary* thought that their 20 year old wills were still valid until they came to see us. Their wills had been prepared when their children were a lot younger. One of their children was now in a relationship and the other had started a business. We arranged for them to meet with estate planning lawyers, who advised them that their children’s inheritance would not be protected if either the relationship dissolved or the business failed. Together with their lawyers, we established a solid estate plan, which will ensure their wealth is passed on to their children as intended (and tax effectively).
Our philosophy is that if it needs to be done (which it usually does), let’s do it properly! That's why when we are developing your estate plan, we work in concert with our trusted network of specialist estate planning lawyers to ensure your wishes for your legacy are properly recorded in legally binding documents.
Names and identifying details have been changed to protect the identity of individuals.
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